FAQ about Noize Addict

What is the NoizeAddict street team?
The NoizeAddict street team is made up of music fanatics that want to take their music addiction to the next level - they want to actively help out the bands they love and help spread the word about new bands. What better way for people to find out about great music than from other fans?

What do NoizeAddict street teamers do?
NoizeAddict street teamers get involved in 3 ways:

1. Promoting bands at shows/concerts - we contact you about certain tours/shows where we need NoizeAddict street teamers passing out materials. If you aren't going to the show but still want to help out we can send you materials to pass out after the show.>

2. Joining a specific band's NoizeAddict street team - for some artists we will send out an email to see who wants to join a team for a specific band. Teamers that sign up are sent promotional materials to pass out at shows where they think people would be into the band. These could be local shows or bigger concerts. It doesn't matter. What is important is that you are spreading the word to people that would be into the band.>

3. Online teams - for certain artists we will set up teams to help promote the artist on the internet.

Does it cost anything to join up?
No. In fact, NoizeAddict street teamers that consistently do a great job can earn tickets to concerts, CDs, t-shirts and other cool swag.

How do I get started?
Just fill out an application for the NoizeAddict street team. You will then start receiving emails from us letting you know how you can get involved.

If you have any other questions you can email us at [email protected]